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UUM Wins Two Emerald Publishing Ltd. Awards


Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) was awarded with two awards through its active usage of information databases as well as UUM affiliated issues in EmeraldInsight information databases by the Emerald Publishing Ltd.

The two awards are the 'High Usage Award' and 'High Research Output Award' where UUM secured the 5th position in the world for the 'High Usage Award', meanwhile for the 'High Research Output Award', UUM came in 5th in Malaysia.

EmeraldInsight is a database of information related to business, management and strategy, accounting, finance and economics, marketing, logistics and quality operations, education, tourism and hospitality, transportation, sociology, property management and development environment and other research writing in the field of social science.

A total of 81 UUM authors have successfully published a total of 101 articles published by Emerald Publishing Ltd. and indexed by EmeraldInsight.

For the High Usage Awards 2018, UUM’s position remained at second place behind UiTM which managed to maintain its achievement similar to the achievements made in year 2016 and 2017.

Meanwhile, Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Bashawir Abdul Ghani expressed his elation over the achievement and thanked all the academic staff for contributing to the achievement.

"I hope more articles will be published in high-impact journals which will be a reference to all parties and this will indirectly help raise the name and image of UUM," he said.

The trophy and certificate will be presented at the Emerald Librarian Conference which is scheduled to be held in Kuala Lumpur on 16 April 2019.