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Nine Cows Offered As Religious Sacrifice At The UUM Qurban And Aqiqah 1440h Ceremony


The denizens of Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) shared their rizq by carrying out the qurban (animal sacrifice) to be distributed as sadaqa to Muslim brothers and sisters in conjunction with Aidil Adha celebrations recently.

The Director of UUM Islamic Centre, Assoc.  Prof Dr Ismail Ishak said that the qurban signified the gesture of gratitude as servants of Allah for the many blessings that were bestowed upon them to be shared in hopes of gaining redha from Allah (the Most Glorified).

According to him, a total of nine cows were offered as religious sacrifice at the UUM Qurban and Aqiqah 1440H ceremony.

He said this year the process of slaughtering the cows was carried out at Kampung Malau Agrofarm, Desa Keda Malau starting at 12 midnight after which the qurban meat was taken to UUM.

“The efficiency of the slaughtering process this time yielded more meat to be distributed compared to the previous year. More than 700 packs of meat were distributed to UUM members of staff and students, UPSB workers and the less fortunate residing within the vicinity of UUM campus,” he said.

On the 10th of Zulhijah, Muslims all around the world celebrate Aidiladha and perform the Hajj in Mecca.

Muslims who do not perform the Hajj are encouraged to fast, give alms and conduct qurban (animal sacrifice) on 10 Zulhijjah or Tasyrik days namely 11, 12, and 13 Zulhijah to emulate the great sacrifice of Prophet Ibrahim in abiding the commands of Allah (the Most Glorified),” he said.

He said the hikmah of offering qurban was symbolic of eliminating animalistic nature namely greed, stubbornness, arrogance and envy which may be present in man.